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This is a document in Serbian and English
where you can find various information concerning
the NATO military action against Serbia.

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Nekoliko stvari povodom tvojih tekstova. Sva nasa sredstva javnog informisanja sada, nazalost, rade u ratnim uslovima i objavljuju samo materijale koje su prikupili preko svojih proverenih kanala kako ne bi doslo do gresaka u informisanju i eventualnog prodora
medijskog rata na nase prostore. Drugo, tekstovi me se nisu narocito "dojmili". Takve i slicne stvari mi ovde znamo vec decenijama. Ja sam licno postao svestan dela americkog sindroma po povratku iz Amerike jos pre 17 godina a ostatak svesti mi se otvorio pre desetak godina kada su Amerikanci uspesno izvrsili rasturanje Jugoslavije, ovo sada je za njih samo normalni zavrsni cin unistenja srpskog naroda, koji su zapoceli bombardovanjem
srpskih gradova jos davne 1944 (kada su Amerikanci i Englezi naneli vise razaranja i vise smrti u Beogradu, Nisu, Leskovcu i desetak drugih gradova, iskljucivo u Srbiji, nego sami Nemci!. Tada su nam i nemacki okupatori izjavljivali saucesce!?).

Svet treba da postane svestan tih cinjenica jer su one nama davno poznate.

Kosovo nikada nije bilo stvarni problem vec iskonstruisan kao i sve ostalo korisceno za raspad Jugoslavije i kao sve ostalo u svim tackama planete na svim kontinentima gde se bilo ko na bilo koji nacin usprotivi americkom bolesnom i genocidnom imperijalizmu. Seti se samo Rasocida - Genocida nad celom crvenom rasom, koja je skoro potpuno istrebljena.

Seti se robovlasnistva u koje je bacena cela crna rasa. Seti se raznih, kobojagi antikomunistickih, ratova Koreje, Vijetnama, Kambodze, Laosa,... u kojima je stradalo vise miliona ljudi zute rase. Seti se, kobojagi anti narkomanskih, ratova po centralnoj i Juznoj Americi u kojima je stradalo vise miliona hispanoamerikanaca. Seti se izazivanja ratova po Africi, Ruanda, Somalija,... u kojima je bilo vise od milion zrtava medju crnom rasom. Seti se gladi u Etiopiji gde je osim Band Aid - a i nesto simbolicne pomoci crvenog krsta, sve uglavnom u medijske svrhe, stradalo vise od milion ljudi, opet crne rase. Seti se
isprovociranog (od strane CIA) rata Iran Irak i sankcija koje vaze i danas (i tu su milionske zrtve, ovog puta medju Arapima).

Madlen Olbrajt (taj monstrum kraja 20 veka) zvanicno izjavljuje da su milioni civilnih zrtava u Iraku apsolutno prihvatljivi s obzirom da je Amerika postigla svoj cilj. Seti se izjave jednog zvanicnog americkog funkcionera da svet tj Amerika mora u toku sledecih 50 godina da smanji stanovnistvo planete za bar dve milijarde ljudi kako bi ostali bolje ziveli!? U ostalom, u zemljama NATO - a je povodom 50 - to godisnjice NATO - a, objavljeno da je broj ljudskih zrtava u ratnim sukobima sirom planete u kojima je na ovaj ili onaj nacin ucestvovala Amerika i ili NATO, u doba posle II svetskog rata, presao cifru od 20 miliona! Zaista pozitivan rezultat.

Sve u svemu ako iz ovog presedana sa Jugoslavijom Amerika izadje nekaznjena ostatku sveta na svim kontinentima se crno pise! To SVET treba da shvati - Mi smo toga odavno svesni.

Jewish World Review April 5, 1999 /19 Nissan 5759

Don Feder

Bubba and Maddy lit Kosovo's fire


PRESIDENT CLINTON AND SECRETARY OF STATE MADELEINE ALBRIGHT set the stage for the catastrophe in Kosovo. If there were a Nobel Prize for ineptitude in diplomacy, they would be its joint recipients. Doing a bad imitation of Vito Corleone at Rambouillet, Albright told the Serbs she would have their signature on the peace accord or their brains. The deal they were told to accept, or else, involved immediate autonomy for Kosovo and a three-year transition toward unspecified goals, supervised by NATO troops. It didn't take a genius to see that the transition would be to independence. That's fine for ethnic
Albanians, 90 percent of the population, but tough luck for Serbs, who consider the land the cradle of Serbian nationalism and their Orthodox faith (it contains over 500 monasteries and other monuments) - a combination of Philadelphia and Canterbury.
Knowing that he would eventually be forced to accept a settlement (possibly partition), Serb leader Slobodan Milosevic decided to create a Serbian enclave he can hold. This involves an eviction (nearly a third of the province's population) that the West calls
"ethnic cleansing." Interesting how the media coins a phrase that's repeated by rote. Worse, some segue from ethnic cleansing to genocide - verbal overkill bordering on absurdity. If forcible population transfers are cruel and unfair, cruelty and unfairness
are nothing new. During the fighting in Bosnia, Croat forces drove an estimated 300,000 Serbs from the Krajina region of Croatia. The aged and infirm who couldn't move were shot. There were no expressions of international outrage over this ethnic sanitation, let alone cruise missiles and stealth bombers. When India and Pakistan gained their independence in 1948, Muslims and Hindus each tidied up their territory, with 10 million pushed across borders. After the establishment of Israel, 950,000 Jews were ethnically cleansed from the Arab world. Like the Serbs, Turkey is fighting a war against terrorist secessionists. Since 1992, the Turkish army has razed more than 3,000 Kurdish villiages, to deny guerrillas a base of support.

In the process, hundreds of thousands have been left homeless. Turkey is a NATO member. Prior to Milosevic's major deployment in Kosovo, the Kosovo Liberation Army "encouraged" Serbs in the province to relocate. Serbian police and government officials
were assassinated (this was also intended to provoke Belgrade), villagers were kidnapped and murdered - about what you'd expect from a cutthroat gang tied to both terrorist kingpin Osama bin Laden and Albanian crime syndicates. A March 4 article in The New
York Times mentions the village of Velika Hoca, where five Serbian women said their homes were invaded one night last July and 16 men marched away at gunpoint never to return. None of this justifies the expulsion of ethnic Albanians (Belgrade says they're fleeing NATO bombing), but why selective reprisals from the West? Why bomb a people who have done us no harm and were our allies in both two world wars?

How far will Clinton go to keep the burgeoning Chinese spy scandal off the front pages? I never thought of myself as an isolationist. Unlike our president, I supported every Cold War intervention from Asia to Central America. Soviet communism was at war with us, and we were forced to defend ourselves on distant fronts. Likewise, I supported the Gulf War. Saddam Hussein with the region's oil wealth, armed with nuclear and biological weapons, would have ignited the Middle East. But Serbia? As Mr. Spock would say, this does not compute. There is no international Serbian conspiracy, no Serb sponsorship of subversion and insurrection. Serb panzers will not roll across Europe in pursuit of a continental empire. Serbia seeks only to keep what was its from time immemorial. While America should try to contain or punish tyrants through diplomatic isolation and sanctions, the
decision to intervene militarily cannot be based on altruisim.

Humanitarian rescue missions will inevitably lead to the overextension of American power. The military will be so exhausted by doing social work with bombs and troops that resources won't be there to defend the United States when our vital interests are at stake.

(Cruise missiles and laser-targetted bombs don't come in Crackerjacks boxes.) When China confronts us in Asia, we can tell our allies there that we spent all of our missiles in the
Balkans. Kosovo was an avoidable tragedy. Clinton and Albright should toast marshmallows over the flames of Kosovo. They lit the fire.

Clinton willing to risk global war in desperate attempt to redefine legacy


Bill Clinton's failing Kosovo war is part of a desperate, dangerous and fatally flawed plan by a scandal-ridden President to salvage a legacy for the history books, White House and
Pentagon insiders say. In fact, the President is willing to risk a global military conflict to shift the emphasis on his Presidency away from the many sex and money scandals that have dogged his administration, interviews with present and past White House and Pentagon staff members reveal.

Interviews conducted over the past two weeks show an increasingly isolated President whose obsession with his place in the history books has led him to ignore the recommendations not only of career military officers, but also of many close aides.

"The President is standing alone on a lot of this," says one White House aide. "He's finder fewer and fewer people who are willing to stick with him over Kosovo. He's backed himself, his administration and his country into a corner."

Two who are sticking with Clinton are National Security Advisor Sandy Berger and Secretary of State Madeline Albright, who aides say would follow Clinton anywhere.

"Berger and Albright put their loyalty to Clinton above their oaths to serve the constitution," says military analyst Sander Owen.

"It's pathetic to watch."

At the Pentagon, senior officers now call the President the "draft dodger in chief," and sneer at his inability to grasp simple military tactics. "The man is an ass," says one career
officer. "He has no concept of a military operation. To him, it's just a video game. What we don't know is how many body bags it will take to make this jerk face reality."

Arnold Crittendon, a retired intelligence analyst, says Clinton has become a "laughing stock" in both the military and intelligence communities. "His political motives are so blatant that they would be farcical if we weren't talking about the lives of American soldiers," Crittendon says. "There wasn't that much respect for the man to begin with. What little there was is long gone now."

Clinton, who often turns to history to justify his actions, has told aides that Richard Nixon, who resigned from office in the Watergate scandal, will be remembered more for his foreign policy accomplishments than the scandal that ended his Presidency.

"There's a real irony here," says one White House staffer. "The President's troubles have often been compared with those of Nixon. Now he's using Nixon as a model to justify his  actions in Kosovo."

Aides say that Clinton started focusing more on foreign policy when it became clear he would not be convicted in the Senate impeachment trial. "He wanted to find some foreign policy arena where a bold stroke would showcase his administration as a world leader," one former aide says. "When it became clear that he was focusing on Kosovo, a lot of people tried to talk him out of it. But Bill Clinton is a man who won't let go of something once he focuses on it. He was sure that defeating a tyrant would restore his place in history."

But military planners told Clinton he could not win a limited air war in Kosovo. "The President was advised that his strategy was flawed and did not serve the national interest," says one Pentagon planner, "but he wasn't interested in hearing the facts."

Now, with the air war turning into a global fiasco and some calling for sending in ground troops, Clinton is faced with either a full commitment or a pullout that will be seen  worldwide as a defeat.

"The President is really facing only two choices," says one White House aide. "He can get out before American lives are lost or he can increase the commitment and plunge the country into a prolonged war that will undoubtedly lead to American casualties."

Former Navy Capt. Al Simonson says he knows several career military professionals who are willing to resign their commissions rather than continue to serve under Clinton.

"I've been around the military for more than 30 years and I have never seen morale this low," Simonson says. "Bill Clinton has destroyed the soul of our armed forces."

At this point, few at either the White House or the Pentagon are willing to guess which direction the President will go.

"There's a real feeling at the Pentagon that the President may have gone off the deep end on this one," says retired Air Force officer Matthew Higgins. "He has become very  unpredictable on this one."

"A few weeks ago, we all would have said that Clinton would give up as soon as the going got tough," says a high-ranking Pentagon officer. "But no one is really sure what he will do now. He's obsessed with this thing and that makes him both unpredictable and dangerous."

A psychologist who treats obsessions says Clinton's preoccupation with his legacy could be viewed by mental health professionals as a warning sign over the President's stability.

"There are enough outward signs that the President is so driven by his obsession with his legacy that it could be affecting his mental judgments," says Dr. Stephanie Crossfield. "If I were consulting on the President's case, I would recommend further evaluation of his condition."

The White House did not return phone calls seeking comment on this report.