This is a document in Serbian
and English
where you can find various
information concerning
the NATO military action
against Serbia.
Nije nam trebalo puno da se snadjemo. Pola sata posle prve uzbune prve noci vec nam se naslo pivo u rukama. Tada je nase skloniste jos bilo prakticno prazan podrum, bez stolica, bez grejalice, radija i elektricnog lonceta.
Stvari su pocele da se uhodavaju vec sa sledecom uzbunom
iste noci. Iz sklonista nije tesko izaci ispred zgrade, a odatle je dragstor
vec izazovno blizu. Tako se ubrzano i upoznajemo, mi koji smo godinama
ziveli jedni uz druge, a da se prakticno nikad
nismo ni videli. Ispostavilo se, recimo, da u mojoj zgradi
od cetiri sprata ima cak sest vrsnjakinja koje pozitivno reaguju na novog
muskarca u svom okruzenju :)) Cao, komsinice!
Potpuno zamracivanje grada podsetilo nas je na to koliko
zvezda moze da se vidi, samo kada se dovoljno odmakne od svetla. Tako uspesno
odradjenom zadatku zamracivanja doprineo je i Radio Valjevo sa koga su
nemarni sugradjani opominjani da ugase svetlo
("Nas slusalac nam javlja da je u ulici Zeke Buljubase,
kod izvesnog Jovana, znace on o kome se radi, ostalo upaljeno svetlo u
WC-u. Molimo ga da se pridrzava uputstava!"). Cak su se i kola vozila bez
pozicionih svetala.
Nas komsija iz dvorista, TV mehanicar, ima obicaj da nas oko dva-tri sata nocu zovne kod sebe u radnju na kafu i pice, uz neizbezni satelitski program. Polako postaje nervozan, jer vec par dana nije isao na pecanje.
Kako se jutro blizi, drustvo se osipa. Posle pet sati
tesko da jos nekoga tamo uopste ima. Racunaju Srbi da je kasno i da je
vreme za spavanje. Dosta vise zajebavanja! Uostalom, prica se da je u Pentagonu
uticajan neki Karamarkovic, poreklom Valjevac, pa zato nas grad nije jos
bio na udaru NATO-a raketa.
Iznad Podgorice srusen NATO-avion. Televizija direktno prenosila rusenje.
Izgleda da je rijec o Harrier-u.
NATO plane shut down over Podgorica last night. Sad ce
i nas da tantaju kao i Beograd, ovome se nijesu nadali, ali smo ih iznenadili
maksimalno. Iako oni mozda ovo nece potvrditi, ja imam mnogo svjedoka koji
su gledali katapultiranje pilota koji je mozda i spasen a mozda i nije
sto uopste nije vazno jer je u svakom slucaju manje opasan bez aviona,
a i dobro
je da im prenese impresije sa ratista i utjera stah u
kosti. Naravoucenije:
NATO neka to, ne diraj e ces se oparit...
Dragi prijatelji sirom sveta, nastavite da pisete, meni
i mojim najblizima koji su samnom, ovde u Beogradu to puno znaci
Dragi prijatelji,
Prilazem sledecu poruku. Ko misli da moze da je iskoristi celu ili neke delove, nek se posluzi.
Dear .....,
Please consider this letter written in good faith and in hope for peace.
Based on our information, substantially more NATO aircraft have been downed by the Yugoslav air defence than reported by NATO/CNN/White House. (Check today's announcement by the Yugoslav army officials). NATO/CNN/White House is hiding the real facts from the American public affraid of losing the public support completely.
In the latest announcements NATO/CNN/White House are explaining that the purpose of the assault on Yugoslavia is to preserve the mechanism that provides unity between the NATO allies?!?
Do you find such attitude serious? What are they going to ask their allies to do next?
From the latest NATO/CNN/White House announcements, it
is obvious that INVASION of Yugoslavia by non less than 200000 NATO ground
troops is being (or has been) planned. This despite the US and British
top officials' claims (almost under oath) that no ground
troops would be deployed except for peacekeeping purposes.
Do you find this attitude serious?
Don't you feel betrayed? How many young men from your country will be asked to go and occupy Serbia?
The described scenario is not designed to save lives of any Albanians, or Serbs, or NATO invaders. Consequently it does not serve any good purpose.
Yugoslavia is commited to defend its territory vigorously, particularly against foreign ground troops.
On behalf of humanity and common sense, please raise your voice against this madness. This war may easily spread beyond the Yugoslav borders and affect many neighbouring nations.
This war seems to be designed to induce CHAOS into Europe. Think about the mess that could be created if Russia finally got involved. Also, think about the potential danger coming from Ukraine and Belaruss, the two small nuclear powers becoming increasingly hostile towards NATO.
This IS ALREADY a tragic mistake. Please act now in your own best interest, which is to stop the war and broker a peace agreement.
We urge you to act immediately. Tomorrow, it may be too late.
Believing that reasonable people still have some influence, we thank you in advance for your support.
Sincerely yours,
Serbs all around the world
Mar. 28, 1999; 8:00PM EST
1. While NATO Bombs, Serbs Sing and Dance in Belgrade's Freedom Square (News)
2. Belgrade Civilian Airport Hit, Also Many Civilian Dwellings Across Serbia
3. Beware of "Wag the Dog" Kosovo "Atrocities" and "Genocide" Charges
4. Only American Embassy Not Under Siege... Guess Where? (Belgrade)
5. Freedom Square: Site of Many Anti-Milosevic Protests
1. While NATO Bombs, Serbs Sing and Dance in Belgrade's Freedom square
BELGRADE, Mar. 28 - "Never go to war with a country whose national holiday celebrates a defeat in 1389," warned Rob Morse, a columnist at the San Francisco Examiner, in his today's column.
While NATO intensified its bombing of Serbia, now in its fifth day, some 15,000 Belgrade residents of all ages, including some 60+-year olds, sang and danced at an all-day rock concert today in the city's Freedom Square.
Not even the sound of frequent sirens warning the citizens to head for air shelters stopped this act of open defiance to NATO's "might."
Some teenagers and children could be seen wearing newly designed T-shirts with a black "bull's eye" painted on them. Others just pinned the TARGET signs on their clothing or heads. Underneath, the word TARGET was written in English. Others tried to help "guide" NATO bombers by carrying a huge, 30-foot long TARGET sign through the city streets. One of the bigger signs read: "Sorry, we didn't know it was invisible," mocking NATO's supposedly invincible "Stealth" F-117 bomber, which the Serbs shot down yesterday (see the fresh photos of its wreckage at our Web site - Day 4, Update 2 Bulletin).
Another example of the Serbs' sense of humor bolstering their defiance of the "world's greatest superpower" was evident in this mock "Classified Ad," which was sent to us from Belgrade:
Selling spare parts for Lockheed F117A:
1. State of the art navigational unit.
2. Fire control system.
3. Low mileage. Slightly damaged.
4. Price: Negotiable.
Our source added, "wonder who will be the highest bidder - the Russians or the Chinese?".
Meanwhile, a Belgrade cartoonist sent us a very special NATO birthday cake (check it out at our Web site).
It would appear. therefore, that the trigger-happy and power-hungry Clinton officials haven't the slightest idea about what kinds of people they have just attacked. And that, in the end, they will end up the same way as Hitler did. God willing...
2. Belgrade Civilian Airport Hit, Also Many Civilian Dwellings Across Serbia
BELGRADE, Mar. 28 - While continuing to accuse the Serbs of "ethnic cleansing," "genocide" and other unsubstantiated charges in Kosovo (which cannot be verified by anyone, since there are no independent observers left on the ground there), the NATO forces continue to do just that - by bombing the Serb civilian targets, not just the military ones, as they are claiming.
This evening, Belgrade TV (and CNN) showed pictures of the burning apartment buildings in Pristina, Kosovo, hit today by NATO, the damage caused to Belgrade's civilian airport at Surcin, and to some of Serbia's ancient monasteries.
For those of you who watched this evening the pictures of the burning apartment buildings in Serbia, just think... unlike in the "Wag the Dog" movies, real people, not virtual images, had breakfast there this morning before being vaporized by the NATO "supermen." And that's Clinton's road to "peace?"
3. Beware of "Wag the Dog" Kosovo "Atrocities" and "Genocide" Charges
KOSOVO, Mar. 28 - As Washington's "Wag the Dog" "Lie &
Deny Studios" went into overdrive this evening in order to obfuscate the
crimes against humanity which NATO was committing in Serbia, CNN broadcast
this evening a bogus e-mail exchange between an
Albanian girl and a student at Berkeley.
How do we know it was bogus? Because Professor Emeritus
of the Northeastern Illinois University, an Irish-American, J.P. Maher,
said so. And he said so on March 19, 1999, having seen the alleged "Adona"
e-mail exchange! Yes, folks, he did it five days
BEFORE the NATO strikes against Serbia had even begun,
working off of the e-mail traffic on the Internet. Here's a copy of the
message we received from him on Fri, 19 Mar 1999 12:58:37 -0600:
"First there were the "ham radio operators" of Gorazde. - Where do they hang out now?
Then there was "Zlata's Diary" (another fraud produced by the NWO's "Wag the Dog" Lie & Deny Studios) her unadorned girlish work appeared in Sarajevo, but was re-written and "augmented" by Ms Pribicevic in London.
Now "Youth Radio" has "Letters from Kosovo". On NPR ["National Public Radio," this date] Bob Edwards presented "Letters from Kosovo" on NPR. An American teen-ager reads "Adona's" e-mails, written in groovy language.
"Adona" has a computer and e-mail... Before the fighting flared up, she liked to hang out with the kids till 11 PM. Adona thinks about the same things as American kids, dating and rock music. She didn't mention if her father and his wives (no typo - Muslims are allowed to have many wives) approved; assuming they permitted this liberated life style.
A real typical Kosovar girl.
j p maher"
The only thing missing was a "calico cat." Sorry, Dustin Hoffman...
4. Only American Embassy Not Under Siege... Guess Where? (Belgrade)
PHOENIX, Mar. 28 - Amid all the protests around the world, and all the American embassies being defaced or even fired upon, as in Moscow today, has anyone noticed that there was one American embassy which has NOT been attacked? The U.S. embassy at the Kneza Milosa street in Belgrade - the city which has been under attack by the American-inspired NATO forces.
So much for the "Wag the Dog" dogs of war's allegation that the Serbs are the brutes and terrorists.
5. Freedom Square: Site of Many Anti-Milosevic Protests (Commentary & Background)
PHOENIX, Mar. 28 - Freedom Square in Belgrade was the
site of many anti-Milosevic demonstrations held in the last nine years.
This writer attended (by chance, as a passer-by) the first-ever pro-democracy
Serbian opposition rally held there in June 1990,
while the former Yugoslavia was still technically a communist
country. On March 9, 1991, a huge opposition rally was also held there
which eventually lead to violent protests in which a policeman and a demonstrator
were killed. And several days of unrest, which even saw Milosevic bring
out the tanks against his people (they were never deployed, only used to
intimidate the protesters).
Between November 1996 and February 1997, hundreds of thousands of Belgrade citizens voted for democracy with their feet, marching in the dead of winter through the city streets, and battling Milosevic's police from time to time.
The Clinton administration remained largely silent throughout
the three months of protests, thus lending Milosevic its support through
acquiescence ("he who is silent appears to acquiesce," goes an old proverb).
They did it because they considered
Milosevic a vital guarantor of the Dayton agreement,
which ended the Bosnian war in 1995 (please check out our Web sites for
MANY articles, written contemporaneously, about all these subjects). And
now, the same Clinton administration, along with other
self-professed champions of democracy in the "free world,"
the 19 NATO nations, are killing the very people who have unsuccessfully
tried to remove Milosevic so many times. And probably would have, but for
the lack of the western support (no money of any
substance was ever offered to the Serbian anti-Milosevic
opposition; nor to the independent media, only empty words of support).
Meanwhile, the western public is being told that Clinton et. al. are waging war against Milosevic, not the Serbian people whose blood the NATO "supermen" are spilling. Ancient Greek playwrights, Shakespeare or Machiavelli would have probably reveled in such a diabolical plot, never believing it could happen in a real life.
Nor is this the only example where the New World Order showed its evil, murderous face. Ever since 1991, it has been doing it repeatedly to the Iraqi people, killing them mercilessly, while claiming to be fighting Saddam Hussein, depicted as the TARGET.
Whom the NWO keep either saving (George Bush's decision to halt the Gulf War before unseating Saddam, March 1991). Or missing. Clearly, in order to keep spending billions of dollars of the U.S. taxpayers money on the death merchant's WEAPONS, one must have the TARGETS. If no targets spontaneously rise up, Washington's "Wag the Dog" Lie Factory is called to produce them.
Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona
Visit the Truth in Media Web site
for more articles on geopolitical affairs.
Mar. 28, 1999; 11:50PM EST
1. To Bomb Or Not to Bomb? (A Commentary)
PHOENIX, Mar. 28 - How would you feel if you were a US
Air Force pilot, who has just been ordered by a self-confessed liar and
a Vietnam draftdodger to incinerate a bunch of people you'd never heard
of, in a country you never knew even existed before the
pre-mission briefing?
Pretty miserable, I would assume, if the pilot were a decent human being?
And doubly so, if he were a Christian, acquiescing to
the order to destroy innocent fellow-Christians. And especially if he were
to find out that the people he was bombing were U.S. allies in two world
wars who had saved 500 American pilots downed by the
Nazi anti-aircraft artillery during WW II.
Just ask Major Richard Felman of Tucson, who is one of the people who owes his life to the Serbs (check out our Web site for more details).
Yet, if you listen to the rhetoric of our Vietnam "fraud heros," like Senator John McCain, for example, Clinton's comrade-in-arms when it comes to disinformation and betrayal of the American people, now that the President has ordered our military into action (however illegally!!), we must all line up behind him.
To which I say, bull! Two wrongs don't make a right. That's exactly what this two-bit "war hero," a member of the infamous "Keating Five," who used to take vacations in the Caribbean on the convicted fellon's Charles Keating's yacht, said in December 1995 so as to justify Clinton's sending our troops to Bosnia.
For a maximum of 12 months, we were told.
Huh! Any American still able to count? The 12-month period ran out in December 1996. And you think that Clinton only lied about his affair with that slut Lewinsky?
Meanwhile, back to the terrible quandary which our honorable men and women in the armed forces face, obeying an order by a man like that. Do you bomb, or don't you?
Judging by the devastation which some have wreaked on
a sovereign country which never meant any harm to the U.S., some of our
brave fighting men perhaps never gave even a fleeting thought to such moral
issues. Nor did they consider that, by attacking the
sovereign countries and killing innocent civilians, they
may have BROKEN their oath of allegiance to the United States.
For, the only thing the American people expect of our armed forced is to DEFEND OUR COUNTRY, not attack others. The only thing that any member of our armed forces I know has sworn to do is to DEFEND OUR COUNTRY, not attack others.
In light of that, we thought you may be interested in the following exchange we've had with a TiM reader who is also a U.S. war veteran:
At 03:43 PM 3/28/99 -0600, you wrote:
Dear Bob, I must say, as a former soldier in the ETO during
the bloodletting of my German cousins, and as a member of the 45th Infantry
Division in the Far East Command in the Korean War, I am not all that sympathetic
with American pilots hurling death and
destruction upon an innocent people who have done nothing,
absolutely nothing to us, or our country. If I were a military pilot, I
would jolly well resign my commission rather than carry out acts of murder.
If they wanted to court-martial me, so be it. We hanged good Germans after
being tried at that Kangaroo court at Nuremberg for following orders.
You, my friend, are doing an OUTSTANDING service! I can't laud you enough.
Ernest Hume
New York
Please free to pass on this message to any and all of your friends and relatives in our armed forces, especially those serving within NATO. Defending America should NEVER be confused with crimes against humanity, which is what this bombing campaign of Serbia is. Just ask the honorable German soldiers who suffered the victors' wrath after WW II, for no other reason but for "following orders."
So every once in a while, the honorable thing for a soldier to do is to disobey an order which goes beyond his moral beliefs and conscience.
Michael New did it when he refused to wear the UN "blue"
in Macedonia. And if "they," the NWO murderers of innocent civilians, "wanted
to court-martial me, so be it," as Mr. Hume
So don't take it from us. Take it from this double U.S.
WW II and Korean war veteran. And then call your family members, or friends
and relatives in our armed forces who may be engaged in this case of murder
of innocents in Serbia, and give them a chance to save
themselves before facing the "final judgment," that of
our Lord.
May God have mercy upon their souls!
Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona