E-mail: famona@email.com

This is a document in Serbian and English
where you can find various information concerning
the NATO military action against Serbia.

Next document

Dear friends,

I am writing to you from Belgrade, the city which is right now suffering heavy bombing by NATO. People are mostly in shelters, the fifth day by now.

Fifty eight years after Adolf Hiltler, who also believed that we were guilty of something, American president Bill Klinton is delivering us his deadly toys, allegedly to save innocent
Albanian lives. People all over the world are watching on their TVs the bloody attacks to one European country, like a monstruous live video game. Continuous efforts of CNN and other media supporters of USA and NATO made many common people's conscience
satisfied, pleased and even happy now when USA and NATO finally did something to save innocent people, to punish the evils, and to bring the peace and democracy to all of us. This indeed is an easy-to-swallow explanation, but it does not offer any plausible answers to many questions that a thinking man should pose.

Yugoslavia did not attack either NATO or any other country. NATO is attacking Yugoslavia because their representatives did not want to sign an agreement which was written by Albanians and which was not good for our country. Was that a crime?

Every normal country in the world is allowed to fight terrorists. Yugoslav troups did not come to Kosovo to take it by force, they have every legal right to be there. Kosovo is a legal part of Serbia, very important to Serbian people because of historical heritage from many centuries. It is at least as important to Serbia as Ireland to Great Britain, as Basque country to Spain, as Florida or Texas to Americans. Kosovo has been inhabited by
Serbs and ethnic Albanians for ages, living in peace together.

Albanian terrorists want now to have their own country there and to separate it from Serbia and Yugoslavia. They made their own army and now they have their own air support - NATO planes and missiles. What is NATO doing and why?

American citizens are lucky to have their big and powerful country to protect them, even individuals, whenever they need, and wherever they are. American government, however, severely punishes us for trying to protect our people in our land. The story made up by Klinton's administration that the agreement was fair enough for both sides, simply is false. Is there any country in the world that would voluntarily withdraw its army and police from a part of its territory and invite NATO forces as "peacekeepers"?

Anyway, peacekeepers are here. They experiment with new weapons, keep their war industries of being idle, generate new jobs in America and new voters for their president. We do not want them. We do not want their peace with bombs falling over our heads.
They also have no legal right to be here. Their doing is a shame for the human civilization and for the human race.

Please, help correcting this injustice. Write to your newspapers, demand cease of bombing. Write to president Klinton. Send this letter to your friends. Do whatever you can to help stopping this incredible nightmare before it becomes yet another dark, dirty
and bloody spot in the history of 20th century. Please hurry. Hours count, not days. Stop the WW III before it becomes real!!!

Ja sam preziveo najgori period svog zivota. Tri dana nisam nista jeo.

Demonstracije ne pomazu mnogo ali znace. Mi smo ovde malobrojni (jedva nas i ima u poredjenju sa vama). Visim stalno na internetu i gledam vesti.

Moji su dobro bili su vikendici, ali znas da gruvaju Pancevo posteno.

Danas se vracaju jer mora da se radi uvedena je radna obaveza.

U podrumu. Kazu da je uzasno. Nema mesta za sve tako da oni najstariji ostaju u stanu, dok ostali sa decom ide u podrum.

Spustili su krevetice za decu a odrasli spavaju na stolicama.

Kazu da je strasno jer nema wc nego kofa!! Inace uzbune su stalno.

Drzi se Biljo!!!

Nadam se da ce uskoro ovo da se zavrsi ako ne moze svasta da bude.


Mar. 29, 1999; 7:50PM EST



1. Photos of Damage to Civilian Structures Poster


2. Serb Air Defense Claims 13 NATO Craft Shot Down, Over 30 Missiles


3. Even Establishment Media Fed Up with Disinformation


4. Serbian Farmers vs. NATO

1. Photos of Damage to Civilian Structures Poster

BELGRADE, Mar. 29 - Since some TiM readers have written back and asked if we could show them photos of damaged civilian structures in Serbia as a result of the NATO bombing, we have posted them now at our Web site. We've also posted some pictures from yesterday's concert in Belgrade, including those of kids wearing the TARGET signs.

2. Serb Air Defense Claims 13 NATO Craft Shot Down, Over 30 Missiles

BELGRADE, Mar. 29 - A spokesman for the Serb Air Defenses wing of the Yugoslav Army said at a press briefing today in Belgrade that his organization shot down seven NATO airplanes, three helicopters, three pilotless remote controlled aircraft, and more than 30 missiles. Keep in mind that that's ONLY the alleged scorecard for the YU Air Defense. These numbers do NOT include any hits scored by the YU Army's ground troops.

If even half of these claims are true, that's quite a few human casualties which NATO is hiding from the public. Will the relatives of these American and other NATO soldiers killed in action have to wait for the YU Army to tell them the awful news, while our Supreme Traitor-in-Chief and the warmongers around him "lie and deny" everything? No wonder even the establishment press are fed up with them (see the next story).

In a related event, the Yugoslav Army decorated and promoted today to higher ranks five Air Force pilots and three Air Defense air defense officers.

3. Even Establishment Media Fed Up with Disinformation

WASHINGTON, Mar. 28 - Even the establishment media are fed up with the disinformation campaign launched by the Clinton administration and NATO. Check out the story, "U.S. Tack: Demonize Enemy, Tightly Control Information," in the Washington Post:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/WPlate/1999-03/27/065l-032799-idx .html

4. Serbian Farmers vs. NATO

BELGRADE, Mar. 29 - Serbian farmers have become a part of the war effort, as they are harvesting the many radio locators which NATO planes had dropped in order to mark the targets for future sorties.

Serb TV has shown what these objects look like, and asked the Serb citizens to help find them and remove them. And the harvest is reportedly yielding bountyful results, even though this is the time the fields should be plowed, not harvested. The NATO planners have thought of all sorts of high tech star wars, but they've neglected to consider a very basic fact, that "this is a country of farmers!" as one of our Belgrade sources put it.