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This is a document in Serbian and English
where you can find various information concerning
the NATO military action against Serbia.

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Procitajte pismo iz Beograda i Nemacke.

Ciao Joco rode,

Srbija ujedinjena, dostojanstvena i ceka. Gledajuci sinoc savetnika NATO-a kako prica da u slucaju obaranja NATO pilota nasa drzava mora da postuje Zenevsku konvenciju znala sam da "gde
ima dima ima i vatre". On je rekao i da NATO ima akcije za spasavanje, ali mislim da su se debelo zeznuli ako misle da te akcije pokusaju i da sprovedu.

Elem, moj brat se jutros nekako probio i dobio me. Kaze da je potera za jednim pilotom. Ne kaze gde. Vojska bi da ga u'vati u propagandne svrhe jerbo ovi iz Pentagona i Brisela poricu da su
im avioni oboreni, a Italijani se zeznuli pa objavili. Englezi konzervativno ne daju jasne vesti, nego, kurve kao i uvek, u svilenim rukavicama, od juce preko neke upisulje na nosacu aviona iznose koliko je aviona poletelo a koliko se vratilo, pa sad ko 'oce da vodi evidenciju i da racuna, sabrace i oduzece (od veceras vodim beleske i javljam). Elem vojska ima problema sto ako seljaci pilota do'vate bice belaja. Tako je sada, koliko sam ja razumela, potera za zlotvorom sa svih strana. Vojska bi ga rado zivog, a narod "odranog".

Javicu sta se zbiva ako jos nesto doznam. Kako mi je u neprijateljskoj Svabiji (al' sam odabrala!). Ovde u Kelnu vec mesecima na ogromnim reklamnim plakatamaneko ispisuje parole. Kako neprijateljski nam jezik ne govorim to ne razumem. Par puta sam pitala koleginicu da mi prevede, pogotovu kad su Ameri picili po Iraku al' ona kaze to je neki koji ispisuje komunisticke parole i navodno nijemogla tacno da procita. Pominje 4. rajh, Vijetnam Nato Nazi itd. al' jebiga ne razumem. Medjutim: Jutros na svim stanicama na svim panoima, krupnim slovima Gen. Clark i nesto u vezi sa Vijetnamom, 1914, 1941?, a onda NAZI-NATO = 4. Rajh i jos gomila. Veceras idem da prepisem. Ostavila mi moja Filipinka englesko-nemacki recnik pa cu da prevodim.

Rec "underestimate" se sve cesce cuje na vestima. Gdja Olbrajt (dabogda joj se seme zatrlo, moji prijatelji Jevreji se zbog nje izvinjavaju - valjda ce jebiga dati neku kintu da se iskupe) samo
pijucka vodu i zamuckuje. Italijani 'oce da se izvuku iz ovog sranja. Grckog ministra inostranih poslova su sinoc provocirali (bogami su debelo bili povisili ton) pitanjem da li je Grcka i dalje clanica NATO jer nece da ucestvuje u akcijama. Grk rek'o jesu, ali kao clanica koja je za politicka resenja a ne bombardovanje.

Sirak prikazan kako se na EU savetu juce ujutru rano pre pocetka dosaptava i zucno raspravlja sa ovim novim svapskim kretenom Srederom. Toni Bler zamisljen i usamljen. Robin Cook napustio
samit prekjuce i pozurio u parlament na hitnu sednicu po pitanju Kosova. Engleski parlament podeljen ali zvanican komentar je: "Mi smo civilizovano diskutovali o nasim razlicitim pogledima na
situaciju, i time pokazali Srbiji kako treba razgovarati". (Paz' da im ne poverujemo. Kokaju nas bombama a pricaju o civilizovanom dijalogu).

U 24:00 BBC Direct. Gosti Karl Bilt (Svedjanin koji je bio debelo zaglibio u Bosansku krizu) kaze da pod hitno treba ovo ludilo prekinuti jer ce da bude picvajz. Ruski novinar iz Moskve kaze da
se ne radi uopste o Milosevicu, radi se o tome da su potrosene godine za uspostavljanje ravnoteze u naoruzanju u sta su Rusi bili debelo ukljuceni a ovog puta niko ih nista nije pitao. On isto smatra da ovo treba prekinu jer svaki minut udaljava Rusiju od NATO i trebace godine da se poverenje ponovo vrati (sto znaci opet ce da gomilaju nuklearne glave).

Engleski neki seronja kaze da je situacija po svetsku diplomatiju opasna jer ovo znaci da vladaju zakoni rulje i oruzja a ne razuma i dugorocnog razmisljanja.

Mic po mic, opet prikazase onu upisulju na nosacu koja kaze, vrlo uzdrzano, da je tacno da se neki avioni vracaju sa neiskoriscenim bombama. Razlozi mogu da budu razni: losa vidljivost, vec
unisteni ciljevi, ali i licna procena pilota daje opasno delovati.

Ovde se oraspolozih i opet pevam "Oj Srbijo mila mati".

Jos malo od mog brata. Komunikacije su prilicno ostecene (civilne), ali vojska na vreme postavile opticke pa pice li pice. Radara sto je unisteno, unisteno,povratka nema al' sad sta je tu je.

Moji kazu da ako im razruse telefonsku centralu imaju novu koju su sada debelo sakrili i srecom pre mesec dana su nesto radovi kasnili pa nije montirana. Nek' ide stara ako mora. Kupicemo nove
centrale. Moji mislili da sam na putu u Kanadu (sto toplo preporucuju, al' ja sada necu iz inata, 'ocu da me ovi ovde debelo placaju a sve sto od 24.03.1999. zaradim do kraja rata dajem otadzbini Srbiji).

Moji cuce u podrumu. Zavicaj organizovan nevidjeno. Muski rade, zene kuci sa decom i u  organizaciji podruma. Svi koji se razumeju u elektriku i veze pomazuda se sprovedu telefoni u podrume, struja i ostalo. Moji preneli TV u podrum i mama i Dada spavaju tamo. Po opstinskom planu moji su morali da naprave atomsko skloniste u kuci tako da su ugostili komsiluk i odlicno su

Izvezbali se u zamracivanju. Svi se pomazu i moral je da ne verujes. Ja sam ocekivala da cujem da bar jedan Srbin danas sere kako treba da kapituliramo.

Kakva sine kapitulacije. Ponavljaju Beckovica: "Neka sidju dole pa da se ceramo (teramo)".

Toliko za sada. Ovo odlicno za kilazu, mrsam svakog dana. Ako je trebalo da dodje do rata da se ujedinimo onda vala neka je.

Kako se bre ljudi kacite na ovaj on-line "chat". Daj bre Joco javljaj kako da se prikacim. Zlotvori sa BBC-a me ubise pljuvacinom. Sloba ispade kriv za sve usvetu u poslednjih 50 godina. Al' pravda je dostizna. Ovog puta nema odstupanja.

Mi moramo da se organizujemo da razbijemo ovu propagandu i kampanju.

Evo saljem poruku moje koleginice.

Najezila sam se.

Institut Mihajlo Pupin, Beograd, 26.03.1999. 09:19

Drugi dan bombardovanja


Poslacu vam svima isto pismo, da ne pisem isto sto puta. Ovde po Beogradu je za sada sve u najboljem redu, a mislim da ce tako i ostati, mada ocekujem napade jos nocas i mozda sutra. Ne mogu da vam kazem cak ni to da sad imam nekog ratnog iskustva, sem gledanja Momira Bulatovica kako objavljuje ratno stanje (mada mi ni to bas nije neki definisani pojam). To znaci da je Beograd
postedjen razaranja (najgore je ipak proslo Kosovo, izgleda da su nocas uspeli da pogode stari grad u Prizrenu i sigurno ima civilnih zrtava) i da ne treba mnogo da sebrinete za nas ovde. Koliko sam do sada videla NATO se drzi onog plana odjesenas, a to znaci eventualno jos dva dana bombardovanja vojnih ciljeva. Mislim da se jos nece usuditi da peske usetaju na nasu teritoriju
(a ne bih im ni preporucila), posto su uspeli da nas potpuno ujedine, sad svi mnogo vise mrzimo NATO i Bilija, nego nase lokalne lopove.

Naravno, na znake vazdusne opasnosti ne idem u skloniste, nego samo pospustam roletne, sednem, citam i cekam vesti ili spavam (posto sam izrazito dnevni tip, ne mogu da izdrzim da ne spavam),
tek u svakom slucaju do sada nisam nista cula sem sirena (a ni videla jer su mi spustene roletne). Sestricina mi se prilicno uplasila, pa pokusavamo da je nekako utesimo, ali su i sestra i zet panicari (zet prebledi kad cuje sirene, a sestra preuvelica svaku vest o tome, kakve su zrtve i koje su im mete), pa nam slabo uspeva. Ona se bolje oseca kad je odvedu u skloniste, zato se oni maltretiraju po tim hladnim i zagusljivim mestima.

Sestric mi je juce telefonom (a telefoni su prilicno neupotrebljivi jer su veze preopterecene, tako da ni vi mozda ne mozete da dobijete svoje) rekao da se neplasi, ali mu je danas bilo bas tuzno kad je video Anu (cerkicu mod brata od ujaka koja ima 9 meseci), kako je mala i bespomocna, mi smo se, kaze, bar naziveli, a ona! Sta da vam kazem najgore je majkama sa malom decom, i onim klincima koji vec znaju sta to znaci i znaju da ovo vise nije pod kontrolom njihovih roditelja i vama tamo koji
nemate predstavu kako sve izgleda. Inace panika se u gradu ne primecuje, ali je nasa cuvena haoticna organizovanost dosla do punog izrazaja (nadam se da je u vojsci malo bolje). Posto je
ratno stanje, mi koji nemamo ratni raspored imamo radnu obavezu. Tako ja juce dodjem u Pupin (i danas i juce lepo Pupinovim autobusom), oko pola 10 se zacuju sirene i onda niko ne zna sta da
radimo. Pre toga je stigla vest da je srusen VTI u Zarkovu (odnosno pogodjen), a ministarstvo odbrane je obavestilo jos jesenas naseg generalnog direktora da je Pupin na sirem spisku meta (a vala smo se naradili raznih poslova za VTI). Upravo sam sad saznala od naseg direktora da se ipak radi normalno radno vreme, jedino su nam autobusi otkazani jer nema vise goriva (gorivo se dobija po prioritetima).

Posebna prica su vesti, sad 1.,2. i treci kanal RTS emituju isti program, a njihove vesti preuzimaju Pink, Kosava, Art i Palma, jedino BK, Politika i StudioB imaju svoje posebne programe i vesti. Vesti su prema ocekivanjima propagandne i svaka recenica pocinje gomilom epiteta ispred reci NATO, Amerika, Klinton i Solana. Najvise mesta u vestima dobijaju reagovanja Rusije i Kine i nasih poznatijih ljudi po svetu. Povremeno nas obavestavaju kad je i gde na snazi vazdusna opasnost, ali nemamo detaljnijih vesti o tome kakva su razaranja izrtve (imam utisak da se trude
da tu stosta precute).

Za sada izgleda da vojska zna sta radi (povremeno nam kazu ako smo oborili neki NATO avion ili raketu), ali im zameram sto ipak ne evakuisu stanovnistvo koje zivi blizu mogucih meta (to mozda
jedino na Kosovu nije moguce i tamo je daleko najgore).

Koliko znam do sada su rasturili Batajnicki aerodrom, VZ "Moma Stanojlovic", pancevacku "Utvu", kragujevacke Sumarice (to izgleda greskom), radare u Rakovici (tu su i neke skole ostecene),
nesto po Avali. Gadjali su Podgoricu, Danilovgrad (odnosno vojne objekte u okolini), Ulcinj, Bar, Herceg Novi, Cetinje, Nis, Novi Sad, Sombor, levu obalu Save (mislim da su hteli Baric, pa su
srecom promasili), Uzice, Zlatibor, Kopaonik, Arandjelovac, Kraljevo, Frusku Goru, Prokuplje, Pristinu, Kosovsku Mitrovicu, Gnjilane, Prizren, Vucitrn itd...

Sad su poceli da pustaju ratne filmove. Dan pre bombardovanja, prikazivali su "Kosovski boj", pa onda "Kozaru", "Uzicku Republiku", repriziraju i "Otpisane" itd. Mobilizacija traje, ali mnogo vise u unutrasnjosti nego u Beogradu. Moju miroljubivost je nadjacala srpska tvrdoglavost, pa mi zao sto nemam puno para, pa da malo naoruzam IRU, ETU, korzikance itd... Da vas ne zaprepasti
odsustvo mog meteoroloskog komentara, reci cu vam da je vreme bozanstveno oko 20stepeni, tako da sam se juce lepo suncala vracajuci se kuci.

Za sad toliko. Nemojte mnogo da brinete za nas, jer pravi rat izgleda jos nije poceo (a verovatno i nece).

Evo sta pise Mina, Ancicina kci - ostale bas briga da odgovore bilo sta pa se dete potrudilo (12-13 godina, ne znam tacno koliko ima - vreme leti, avioni lete)

Draga Dragana,

Sad smo dosli iz podruma, jer se sirena za prestanak opasnosti oglasila. Mi smo smesteni u komsijinom podrumu koji je u sklopu sklonista. Lana i jos dvoje dece su podrum oblepili crtezima tako da izgleda veselije. Mama i baba pricaju sa komsinicama, tata se potpuno posvetio opravljanju i uredjivanju sklonista, deda takodje cisti dok ja ili igram karte ili sam u potpunom daunu. Pocela sam da pisem dnevnik, kao Ana Frank, jos cu se proslaviti pa ce moje gluposti citati deca za lektiru, Veceras ce sigurno opet gruvati, sada je 18:52. Malo jedemo pitu sa visnjama i stalno se kupamo dok ima vode. Zvao me je decko, Italijan, tako da sam malo veselija. On mi je javio da ce opet stizati avioni, tako da smo stigli da se spremimo. Nije tacno da su borbe na Kosovu prestale, tuku se zestoko, danas su tukli Avalu i Topcider, Pancevo su skroz skenjali, ako dignu Azotaru crcicemo
ko pilici. Baba se opet radno aktivirala, dezura po kraju i daje inekcije po naselju, jer sestre ne idu po terenu. Ima torbu hitne pomoci i anti-sok terapije.

Ajde pisacu ti opet javite se i vi voli vas dopisnik iz Juge

Vasa Mina.

PS: Ostatak vas pozdravlja i vade se kako ne mogu oni da pisu jer ima puno posla (piju kafu).

Dragi nasi,

Sinoc smo se vratili sa Kopaonika sa Yu INFA i samo sat nakon povratka poceli su napadi na Beograd i celu Jugoslaviju. Sada je cetvrtak oko 18 h i vec treci putsu obnovljeni ti napadi. Na
srecu za sada se ne gadjaju civilini ciljevi ali opasnost postoji. Za sada verovali ili ne nema panike kod ljudi, gledam posle sirena ljudi se setaju cak ima i dece u parku. Proglaseno je ratno stanje, granica je zatvorena. Ljudi odlaze na posao. Vode i struje ima. Mi za vreme tih uzbuna ne idemo u sklonista. Meni je noga jos u gipsu pa nisam za neko jurcanje. Od danas se benzin vise ne moze kupiti na pumpama. Mi smo za sada dobro. Toliko od ratnog izvestaca a sada malo nauke.

U nedelju 21. Krenuli smo na Kopaonik na YU INFO. I pored vec napete Situacije doslo je oko 500 ljudi. Medju njima i 7 stranaca 2 Amerikanca, dva Spanca, Rusa, jedan Poljak i nas drug Dragan Domazet iz Singapura. Otvaranje je bilo spektakularno sa miss Yu koja je dodeljivala nagrade. A posle toga nezaboravna noc u nacionalnom restoranu Suri. Veselje je bilo ko u Kusturucinim filmovima pred rat. Stranci odusevljeni atmosferom, hranom, nama. Bilo je zaista neopisivo do 3 h posle ponoci. Ali vec sutra raspolozenje nam kvari izjava Klintona i Blera. Znao sam da ce brzo zaista i reagovati. Na Kopaomiku kod Pancica je onaj radar. To ce biti verovatno jedan od prvih ciljeva. Oko 20 h doneo sam odluku da prekinem simpozijum. Jos da nadjem za sutra 7 autobusa da vrate ucesnike. Ali resio sam da to objavim tek ujutro. Vesti sa CNN su cinili ljude zabrinutim, strance posebno. Predjosmo u restoran. I ubzo se napravi suluda atmosfera svi zapevase i zaigrase. Stranci ne mogu da veruju a zatim zaigrase i oni. To nam je pomoglo da tu noc ne budemo previse uznemireni.

Ujutru u 9 h saznao sam da su autobusi krenuli ka Kopaoniku. Uh, laknulo mi. Oko 13 h vec su prvi autobusi krenuli ka Beogradu. Maki Stefan i ja krenuli smozadnjim. U trenutku dok sam pakovao
na mobilni dobijam informaciju da ce za sat vremena poceti bombardovanje. Jedva popakovasmo tehniku u prepun autobus. Na srecu stigosmo do Beograda. Samo sto smo usli u kucu pocelo je.
Na Kopaniku je ostalo troje, cetvoro mladjih. Dve devojke su ostale tvrdeci da je seks u ovakvim okolnostima ono pravo, jer tada ljudi daju sve od sebe. Svega ima.

Stranci su u autobusu podlegli nasoj iracionalnosti i ludilu i otkazali bus za Budimpestu da bi uvece sa nekom ekipom otisli u "jedan strava restoran". Pocetak bombardovanja zatekao ih je na Tasmajdanu na putu u restoran. Mozes da zamislis kako su polegali na travu i paniku. Nekako su stigli do Metropola gde su bili smestani. Jutros su krenuli taksijem za Budimpestu, ali bas kada su prosli Batajnicu palo je nekoliko bombi na aerodrom. Nekako su ipak presli granicu. O ovome cu snimiti film, dobar je materijal sta kazes.

Cao pozdrav Misa.

WIRE: March 25, 8:40 p.m. ET U.S. sees no obligation to end Kosovo war

WASHINGTON, March 25 (Reuters) - The United States feels no obligation to come to the defence of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo if Yugoslavia intensifies an offensive against them as a result of NATO airstrikes, a U.S. official said on Thursday.

"Because we have used air power on behalf of the Kosovo Albanians does not mean we are responsible for stopping the war," the official told reporters.

"We have never suggested that we are responsible and could be responsible for the well-being of every single Kosovo Albanian," he said.

"On the contrary, we have tried to encourage a peace process because we recognise the difficulty of dealing with a crisis like this in the absence of a political process," he added.

The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, noted that the Albanians, who comprise 90 percent of the war-torn Yugoslav province of Kosovo, have been under a Serb siege for many months and under repression for years.

"Just because we're the United States and we're the world's only superpower doesn't mean we control the world or we are responsible for the security of the world," he added.

He spoke after NATO launched a second night of air raids on Yugoslavia Thursday and U.S. President Bill Clinton said the alliance would continue bombing until Belgrade bowed to the West's demands for peace in Kosovo.

The United States reported that Serb forces in Kosovo were continuing their offensive against civilians, including burning and looting and attacking political leaders.

The official who briefed reporters insisted Serb attacks were "horrific" before the NATO airstrikes began and continued to be "horrific" but had not worsened because of the alliance action.

Some interpreted comments by a senior Yugoslav official as an offer by Belgrade to halt its military operations in Kosovo if NATO agreed to stop bombing.

"Stop bombing us and we will stop all operations against the people, the terrorists who provoked NATO strikes against Serbia," Yugoslav Deputy Prime Minister Vuk Draskovic told Britain's Sky
television in a telephone interview.

But the U.S. official dismissed the statement as unpersuasive. "The seriousness of the Serbs on peace (depends on) whether they are prepared to have a (NATO) military implementation force" as
part of a peace deal, and withdraw military forces "and we have not seen it yet," he said.


Oj klintone, kurvin sine,
Hoces borbu sa visine,
Sto ne sidjes u planine
Da te srbin tu okine.
Kurvin sine, toni bler,
Nikad nisi bio fer,
Dizes nato da nas rusis,
Mozes kurac da nam pusis.
Olbrajtova, kucko stara,
Tebi treba srpska kara,
Na sramotu kontakt grupe,
Ispucace tvoje dupe.
Gospodine folke rije,
Jebemo ti najmilije,
A s obzirom da si peder
Nek te jebe manfred sreder.
A ti holbruk, majls i hil
Sto ne znate za rezil,
Pozdravite mocnu svitu,
Dobicete svi po kitu.

Jedan Srbin.

Dear JP

The Srebrenica story, as Peter Handke said a couple years ago, has been sold and re-sold many times. It has the verisimilitude, the purpose and the same basis in fact as the Protocols of the
Elders of Zion. A dozen famous journalists have traveled there, for example, Mike Wallace of the USA's CBS network. They never filed a story, because they found out the story was not true. At
bottom the report is is paid PR. The number of Muslim men killed in fighting in the whole war there, if you care to investigate, approximates 900, about half the number of Serb villagers killed,
some by decapitation, some by impaling and crucifixion, by the mujahedin of Nasir Oric. He laughingly showed journalist his videotapes of Serbs under torture. Oric now runs a discotheque in
Tuzla. Many of the martyrs voted in the elections after their martyrdom.


J. P. Maher

4752 N. Lincoln Avenue Chicago IL USA 60625

DAY 3, UPDATE 1 Mar. 26, 1998; 5:00PM EST



1. Hospitals, Schools, Ancient Monasteries Hit Throughout Serbia; Pharmaceuticals Factory Also Hit Near Belgrade

2. A Serb Minister Appeals to World Academia


3. Italian Parliament Calls for End to NATO strikes


4. Violent Protests Continue in Front of U.S. Embassy


5. About 20,000, not 3,000 Macedonians Protested at U.S. Embassy


6. Ukraine, Bellorussia to Reactivate Their Nukes; Thousands of Russians Volunteer to Fight in Serbia

1. Hospitals, Schools, Ancient Monasteries Hit Throughout Serbia

BELGRADE, Mar. 26 - While the Clinton administration and NATO officials continue to claim that they are not waging war on Serbia, their missiles and planes have hit dozens of hospitals, schools and priceless ancient monasteries, our sources in Serbia report. Last night, for example, hospitals in Nis and Leskovac were hit. One of our sources reported that, "there is hardly a house or a building left in Leskovac (a southern Serbia town) that has not sustained some sort of damage."

The Yugoslav foreign minister, Mr. Z. Jovanovic, said today that "dozens of civilians" were killed in last night's NATO raids, and "hundreds" injured.

Our sources reported that two NATO jets were jets downed over Fruska Gora, and one over Kosovo between Pristina and Podujevo, a claim which NATO denies.

This evening, NATO planes have hit between 10 and 15 targets in and around Belgrade, including the ICN Galenika site in Zemun, a pharmaceuticals factory.

"The night has turned into broad daylight," one Belgrade resident told CNN, describing the massive fires which tonight's raids have caused. As a result, Serbian authorities have now issued a chemical and biological alert, appealing to residents to wear gas masks.

In Pristina, the capital of Kosovo, NATO bombs this evening completely destroyed a school and a marketplace in the center of town.

So stand by for new "Serb massacres" to be announced soon by the Washington lie manufacturing factory so as to cover up their own crimes against humanity.

The Yugoslav Army sources also claim that they had discovered and disabled some of the aerial guidance devices, presumably planted by OSCE mission "observers" in Kosovo. The OSCE monitors had left Kosovo prior to the NATO bombing. The army spokesperson has shown on local TV some of the radio locators they had discovered.

So much for the "neutrality" of "civilian" monitors and their chief, the American ambassador, William Walker, the "butcher of El Salvador," as one of our Serb sources referred to him. (For more on Walker's track record, check out our column, "Washington's Crisis Factory," from the March issue of the New Dawn - available at our Web site).

2. Serb Minister Appeals to World Academia

An Appeal

To all scientific organisations, scientists and educators in the world

BELGRADE, Mar. 26 - In a barbarian act of aggression which has started on our country in the bombardment of civilian objects, our children and civilian population were badly hurt last night.
Regarding the present situation in Yugoslavia we will soon be left without medicines and other means for survival.

Please help us!

We appeal to all scientific institutions, universities and individual for any kind of help for Yugoslavia.

We appeal to you to act as much as it is in your power that this aggression be stopped.

Jagosh Zelenovic, Ph.D. Federal Minister for Development, Science and Environment.

3. Italian Parliament Calls for End to NATO strikes

ROME, Mar. 26 - The Italian parliament this evening passed a resolution calling for an end to NATO's bombing of Serbia with a 318-188 vote. Italian prime minister, Massimo D'Alema, said in
the parliament that, the Contact Group (U.S., Russia, Britain, France and Italy) "should call a halt to strikes as a step to resuming talks.

4. Violent Protests in Front of U.S. Embassy in Athens

ATHENS, Mar. 26 - CBS Network News reported today that there were violent demonstrations being held this afternoon at the American embassy in Athens. The live report said stones were being thrown at riot police by Greek protesters of the NATO/American-led invasion of Yugoslavia. The reporter added that some violence was also breaking out at the Turkish embassy in Athens. Later on, CNN said that 15,000 protesters burned American flags, hurled stones at the embassy, and battled police who fired tear gas into the crowd.

Dimitra Galani, one of the leading stars of Greek music, gave a concert last night at a popular Athens club. At one point during her performance, she interrupted her number to announce that she had just received the news from the TV station MEGA that the Yugoslav Army had shot down a NATO warplane. The crowd erupted into loud cheers and applause in response to the news.

Meanwhile, the U.S. and NATO officials continue to deny that there are any rifts within NATO, and insist that the alliance is unified in its support of the strikes against Serbia. Perhaps they are the only ones who believe themselves? Coupled with their continued denials of the NATO planes being shot down in Serbia, "lie and deny" is evidently their "PR" strategy.

5. About 20,000, not 3,000 Macedonians and Serbs Protested at U.S. Embassy

SKOPJE, Mar. 26 - The disinformation war continues with the media playing its part, just as was the case during the Bosnian war. Based on a CNN live broadcast, we reported yesterday that about
3,000 demonstrators participated in the protests in front of the American embassy in Skopje. And CNN added that they were mostly ethnic Serbs. We have now received an e-mail from one of the
participants in the demonstrations. Here is what this person said:

"There were 20,000 Macedonians and Serbs yesterday in Skopje, who totally demolished the American embassy. I was there, and I can tell you that the CNN figure of 3,000 to 4,000 is way too low. And the CNN allegation that the protestors were ETHNIC SERBS was a lie. About 80% of the demonstrators were Macedonians.

We tried to go there again today around noon, but the police had blocked all access routes to within 500 meters of the American embassy."

Gee... with so much outrage against the American government, soon enough American embassies will only be safe in the Iron Curtain countries of Europe - NATO (check out our column, "New Iron
Curtain Over America," available at our Web site).

6. Ukraine, Belorussia to Reactivate Their Nukes, Thousands of Russians Volunteer to Fight in Serbia

MOSCOW, Mar. 25 - In his broadcast on Moscow TV, Chief of the Russian General  Staff, Gen. Ivashov, announced that, as a result of the NATO aggression on  Serbia, the Ukraine has decided to
resume its status of a nuclear power. Belorussia had made a similar decision earlier in the day.   Speaking in Minsk, the capital, the Belorussian president, Alexander Lukashenko also said that, "it is pointless to fight the Serbs. Serbs are able warriors.  They will defend their citizens and kill dozens of
Americans." Lukashenko also  said that Bellorussia is ready to supply to Serbia "good, modern weapons."  The official Russian news agency, Itar-Tass, reported yesterday that, the  Russian
President Boris Yeltsin termed the NATO strikes at Yugoslavia a "blunder" of the U.S. President Bill Clinton, and warned that Moscow may respond  with "extreme measures" which it is not going to use so far. The strikes at Yugoslavia "are a blunder of Americans, of the US diplomacy and  of Clinton and they will pay for it anyway", Yeltsin told Foreign Minister Igor  Ivanov during their meeting in the Kremlin on Thursday. Yeltsin stressed that for the first time since World War Two "they are going against the UN charter". "Russia has a number of extreme measures in store, but we decided not to use  them so far", the president stressed. Meanwhile, Americans were told by CNN yesterday that the Russian president had said that he would NOT respond with "extreme measures," deceitfully inserting  the word "not" from the Yeltsin statement. Another example of the joint
Washington-establishment media "lie and deny" strategy of misleading the American people.  Elsewhere in Russia, volunteers are signing up to fight in Serbia from Moscow to Vladivostok.
Our correspondent from Khabarovsk in Far East Russia, Tanya Samoiloff, sends the following report;  "Like all Russian people, we are with the Serbs and against NATO aggression. I  have not
heard a voice of approval from anybody, even by the Muslims at the city  market. I don't think that we need to talk much about illegality and amorality  of this aggression. During the last few days, I've heard everywhere people talk about the events in Serbia and express strong support of Serbian people. All domestic political  parties and movements are unanimous on this issue. In Vladivostok LDPR has  started recruitment of volunteers for Yugoslavia among the young ex-army officers. I don't think that the West will win..."

Our other Russian sources report that between 2,500 and 3,000 volunteers have  signed up just in the last two days. Meanwhile, in Moscow, Russia expelled today the NATO envoy and froze all
contacts with this military alliance.

Mar. 26, 1998; 9:00PM EST



1. Residential Areas of Belgrade Hit Tonight


2. An F-117 Downed Over Fruska Gora


3. Morale High in Yugoslav Army


4. NATO Getting Desperate?

1. Residential Area of Belgrade Hit

BELGRADE, Mar. 26 - We bring you first a dramatic report from the ground in Belgrade:

"Urban residential area of Belgrade is just being hit by the NORTH ATLANTIC TERRORIST ORGANIZATION," read the first line of an emotional e-mail message which we've just received from a Belgrade resident. "Big fires raising up are clearly visible against the night sky! I live in Sumice and I can see Banjica burning! Bastards have saved residential area of BELGRADE for last to set an example!"

"We knew this was going to be toughest night of the air strikes and DIRTIEST!

Personally counted over 50 strong detonations. Cruise missiles mostly. Their paths were clearly visible in the dark. Apart from hits on vacant military barracks, a number of civilian buildings
are being hit.

CHEMICAL ALERT HAS JUST BEEN GIVEN! Chemical Industries Galenika, Grmec in Novi Beograd, Zarkovo and Prva Iskra, Baric - are being hit according to first reports - CHEMICAL LEAK HAZARD - POSSIBLE CATASTROPHE ON THE WAY! DIRECTION OF WIND CRUCIAL! Just learned this could be due to ROCKET FUEL DEPO in Sremcica set ablaze!
Instructions given to population to take precautionary measures against chemical accident. A lot of people in different parts of town - including myself - have started to feel sore-itchy throat already. Windows are closed and wet towels are at hand! Areas most seriously hit according to Belgrade Civil Defence HQ: GALENIKA, NOVI BEOGRAD, BANJICA, SREMCICA, RESNIK, LIPOVICA, ZUZE, BUBANJ POTOK, AVALA, BATAJNICA (again and again!), ZARKOVO,

Wish us luck!"

And so ended the message... but not the death and destruction in the Serbian capital.

2. An F-117 Downed Over Fruska Gora

BELGRADE, Mar. 26 - Several Serbian INDEPENDENT radio stations have now confirmed the downing of at least one NATO F-117 warplane today over Mount Fruska Gora, just south of Novi Sad, across the river Danube.

Earlier in the day, we reported that, according to the Serbian sources, two NATO planes were shot down over Mount Fruska Gora and another over Kosovo. NATO, of course, continues to deny that
it has suffered any losses.

Is that why Washington's "Lie and Deny" factory produced a claim today of shooting down two "Yugoslav" MiGs over Bosnia, near Bijeljina, less than 50 miles from Mount Fruska Gora? Could it be that that's where the other NATO plane crashed?

And no sooner did we PREDICT (in the last Bulletin) that Washington would produce a "Serb atrocity" story to cover up its own crimes against humanity - voila! They did it, according to
CNN, which has now totally switched from covering the humanitarian disaster in Belgrade, to alleged "Serb atrocities" in Kosovo. But wait, haven't "they" forgotten that "they" no longer have any
eyes and ears on the ground in Kosovo who can lie for them, as William Walker did in case of the Racak "massacre?" Or who can spy for them, as the OSCE monitors did, mentioned in our earlier
dispatch? So the only people who may believe such claims, which CANNOT be independently verified, are the brain-dead Americans. So, it is beginning to look as if anyone trying to get to the
truth about what's really happening, should listen carefully to what Washington and NATO officials are saying, and then assume the exact opposite. Like, "peacekeepers" = "warmongers." Or "our
planes lost" = "enemy planes shot down."

I'm telling you, it's the Big Brother stuff all over again. George Orwell would be having a ball, if he were alive today... As would Signor Machiavelli.

3. Morale High in Yugoslav Army

SOMEWHERE IN SERBIA, Mar. 26 - Throughout the day, NATO officials kept expressing their bewilderment with the Serbs' "playing possum" tactics (see TiM's last night's commentary). Namely that the Serbs have used so far only their conventional anti-aircraft artillery, rather than the sophisticated ground-to-air missiles. Some of these NATO armchair bombardiers have even suggested that that's perhaps because the Yugoslav Army was scared of NATO's air power.

That's hogwash of the kind that must have prevailed in Hitler's war room, when the Nazi generals rejoiced over their "successful" bombing of Belgrade on April 6, 1941. And now, here is just one
small example of the kind of reception which the NATO bombers can expect when they start flying at lower altitudes, after their cowardly high-level and missile attacks which killed hundreds of Serb civilians.

The following message comes from an active duty member of the Yugoslav Army's air defense system, addressed to Serbs everywhere around the world. We will not, of course, identify the location of the correspondent. So "Somewhere in Serbia" will have to do as the byline to this message:

"I am with you till I die! I am waiting for the NATO shitheads to come down to earth. Then their ass will be either mine or God's."

Does that sound to you as something that people who are scared of NATO would say?

4. NATO Getting Desperate?

BELGRADE, Mar. 26 - "It is obvious that they hit us tonight in retaliation for their downed $200 million jets," said another civilian TiM source from Belgrade.

"That's why they hit the civilians, the pharmaceutical factories, private gas stations (in Djakovica, for example), and all sorts of targets which would cause mass destruction of the citizens. Not a single tear of a single Serbian child which tonight suffocated in the poisonous vapors (caused by this NATO bombing) isn't worth their entire rotten empire."